
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

This and That.

My broadway review went off without a hitch! It was awesome...especially our Saturday night performance. I look forward to seeing the video! I got a lot of great reviews about my performance specifically and about Legally Blonde, which I directed. We were also in the Broomfield Enterprise this year!!

I celebrated my 28th birthday. It was fun. Not a big deal this year which is totally fine!

We went to see Owl City and John Mayer at Red Rocks... It was good! I was struggling climbing Red Rocks which was discouraging because I have been running for like three weeks straight (before we went) so I thought my climbing would be better...BUT I learned a lesson about fitness... if I want to get better at climbing, I need to climb. Period. and I DO want to get better at it.

Last weekend we did the Tour De Fat. 35 miles total on the bike. That was fantastic!! Even Ryker got to do it!!

Ryker is getting so big!! 15 months old (almost) and becoming quite a little man.

He is so talkative and ambitious. He is generally a very happy baby and he is adaptive which is great for our schedules. He is very opinionated though...if he doesn't want something or wants something he will let you know....LOUDLY. He loves reading and if its quiet in his room, that's what he is doing. He has made up his own sign language for a few words such as hungry and play. Hey, whatever works!! I just measured him at exactly 30" tall. He is no longer on the bottle and I am thinking about putting him in a Montessori school two days a week so he has some child to child interaction. All in all, he is doing very well.

Well that's it in a nutshell... I will try to keep this more up to date on what's happening in the Wey house.


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